We aim to provide a creative portal for individuals to achieve four things. First and foremost, to take their history to deliver inspirational literature. And through that act, achieve personal growth and strong mental health that allows them to build on the experience. Then as they expand their repertoire, to find themselves in a supportive community that wants nothing more than their success and happiness. And through these three aspirations, create a unique positive message for societal change that can transcend all boundaries.
It should be no surprise ‘inspirational literature’ is our lead objective. What is a publishing company without a credible portfolio of works? But inspirational literature means more than that to us. It means identifying stories that wouldn’t usually be told. Exposing realities that may be unpalatable and uncomfortable to acknowledge for
It should be no surprise ‘inspirational literature’ is our lead objective. What is a publishing company without a credible portfolio of works? But inspirational literature means more than that to us. It means identifying stories that wouldn’t usually be told. Exposing realities that may be unpalatable and uncomfortable to acknowledge for many that will read them. It means exposing the essence of our society.
Like our founder discovered, writing can be a portal for personal growth, strong mental health, and mindfulness. Writing affords us a unique opportunity to detach ourselves from our lives and become objective in our view of our existence as we endeavour to explain it to others. It can provide a platform for acceptance and reconciliation o
Like our founder discovered, writing can be a portal for personal growth, strong mental health, and mindfulness. Writing affords us a unique opportunity to detach ourselves from our lives and become objective in our view of our existence as we endeavour to explain it to others. It can provide a platform for acceptance and reconciliation of the past. While providing pause to consider and bring clarity to what we want from our future.
We acknowledge that relaying our difficulties and challenges takes great courage and resolve. Writing is a time-consuming endeavour and should never be embarked on lightly. And when the topic of your narrative requires reliving events that have materially affected your world, the requisite perseverance is significantly heightened. That is
We acknowledge that relaying our difficulties and challenges takes great courage and resolve. Writing is a time-consuming endeavour and should never be embarked on lightly. And when the topic of your narrative requires reliving events that have materially affected your world, the requisite perseverance is significantly heightened. That is why, we hope to build a ‘supportive community’ of likeminded individuals to guide you in your journey.
There are two tiers to ‘societal change’ we hope to inspire. For our authors, we hope to help them enhance their quality of life; offering them the opportunity to convey their message far beyond the constraints of their homes. And at a macro level, we hope to build a brand than can set an expectation for how society can be and should be.
There are two tiers to ‘societal change’ we hope to inspire. For our authors, we hope to help them enhance their quality of life; offering them the opportunity to convey their message far beyond the constraints of their homes. And at a macro level, we hope to build a brand than can set an expectation for how society can be and should be. And seeded within that brand, a global collective desire to make this world a better place for all.
Perspectives Books is a trading name for the publishing activities of REP Group Limited. REP Group is a limited liability company that promotes the use of creative writing for the management of poor mental health. Nothing on this website should be interpreted or construed as an offer by the company in anyway whatsoever to provide health related advice and/or support. The Perspectives Books objective is only to provide a pathway for the publication of works, to those who find creativity is a beneficial means for improved mental health. We do not advocate or expect that such a process will benefit all.
With regard to our portfolio of published works, please be advised the opinions expressed in those works are the respective author’s opinions and do not reflect by association the opinions of REP Group Limited (or Perspectives Books), employees, editors, associates or affiliates. All information contained in our published works has been obtained by REP Group Limited from sources believed to be reliable and which have been self-certified as authentic/original and/or factual in content; and all our authors respectively indemnify REP Group Limited from any and all legal action as a result of publishing their works.